Program of VZF-2

Day #3,

We propose you to take part in a number of workshops (most likely you’ll have time for one).
They will happen during the whole day and the results will be available to all other groups in the evening.

The main idea is to liberate zines from our shelves, distros and infoshops – i.e. subcultural locations, and try to put them into a public space so that different people would have an access to them. But one important thing is to make it in a form of a game, to be unexpecteded and intriguing, not like a direct and boring propaganda.
Another point is to try to use other forms of space rather than paper/internet for zine-making and see how this space can influence the contents and its perception.

  1. Enlarging and preparing zines to the size of wall newspaper (like street art but with more text, we could put them everywhere we’d like).

    B. Creating “secrets”: taking printed paper, adding some other elements you’dlike, putting a glass on it and sprinkling with some  soil; then putting some signs near it so that passer-by could take an interest, stop and dig out a zine.

    1. Projecting images of zines on some wall in the city during the night.

    D. U don’t need neither paper nor projector for this zine. Just use your body! The results (=paintings) could be demonstrated at the concert in the evening (but not only there)).

      E. Creating a zine in the space: using a room and locating the content on the whole territory of the room so that a zine could be read in various directions and ways.

        (other details will appear soon)

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